Moving Mountains

by Leanne Purvis

Perhaps there have been times in your life where you felt there was a mountain of things that needed to happen, requiring a miracle. Maybe you are in that place right now.  In Matthew 17:20 and 21:21 Jesus talks about His followers being able to move mountains if they have enough faith. One can wonder if a mountain will actually move, or if it is just a figure of speech.  Do you think God still moves mountains?  Have you ever wondered what a moving mountain might look like?

I recently needed a metaphorical mountain moved. My husband and I had too much stuff and things to do to get us to Cambodia by a deadline.  Humbly we asked many for help, but for various good reasons none was available.   Our faith wavered.  Believing God is God through the ups and downs of life, we knew we needed to trust Him even when we felt there was no evidence of Him working on our mountain (John 5:17; Hebrews 11:1).

Reflecting with a friend about how God might move mountains, she reasoned it would be a shovel load at a time.  And that is what happened with our mountain.  People starting coming to help.  We didn’t always know how many, or when they would come, but we saw God at work through His body of believers (1 Cor 12:27). Shovel load by shovel load, the mountain of things to do became smaller thanks to God’s church at work.  We are so grateful people used their gifts in various ways to help move the mountain, allowing us to serve in Cambodia by the deadline.

So you see God can move mountains, and chooses to do so through the church.  Miracles happen everyday. Sometimes it can just be harder to see as often culturally we try in our own strength, not wanting to be a bother, or appear needy.  Other times we are blessed with the means to solve our own problems which can blind us to God at work. 

For the majority world, and those with heavy burdens, just getting through the day or moment can be a prayer and miracle in itself.  Praying for daily bread (Matthew 6:11) and concentrating just on today (Matthew 6:34) took on new meaning when I was so overwhelmed and felt there was a mountain between me and where I needed to be. Through this process I’ve learnt miracles come from a place of dependence. Dependence on God, sometimes out of desperation, as there is no other way.

So next time you feel things are desperate, with a mountain of issues or things to be done, remember God can still move mountains, a shovel load at a time, through His body of believers.  And if you are ever in a position to pick up a shovel, and lend a hand to someone in need, you can be part of the mountain moving process.

Leanne and her husband Alan recently moved to Cambodia.  Their goal is to encourage the local churches and pastors, assisting with discipleship and church planting. Along with other WEC members, they aim to work particularly in areas that have not had an opportunity to hear the freeing good news of Jesus’ sacrifice, restoring relationships to have life with the Father. For more details and to subscribe to their newsletters, prayer letters or to follow them on facebook please check out their website




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