by Mel McCredie
Life can be a bit crazy sometimes, can't it? We find ourselves walking down paths that lead to dead ends, feeling like we're going in circles, unsure of where we're headed or what our purpose is.
There have been many moments in my life where that has been true for me.
Even though I know that God is always with me, there are still times when I feel lost and confused. Can you relate? Have you ever found yourself crying out to God, only to receive silence in return? It can be incredibly hard to keep moving forward in the face of uncertainty.
God knows us better than we know ourselves, and He's always working behind the scenes. Even when I can't see a way forward, He's there, gently guiding me. Sometimes I wonder if it’s the noise of the world that drowns out His voice, rather than Him intentionally being silent.
But God has the power to cut through the noise.
When I’m feeling lost, I know I can turn to Him in prayer and pour out my heart. Yet for some reason, the more lost I feel, the more distant from God I become. Maybe if I stopped and asked God for help and then really listened, He would tell me what to do. Could it be that simple?
God does care about what we're going through. One of His great gifts to us is the Bible, which is essentially our roadmap for life. It makes sense that when we don’t know what to do, we would open the Bible and seek God’s direction. He speaks to us through the pages.
If I draw nearer to Him, He will draw nearer to me.
I've noticed that God often uses the people around me to help me find my way. Whether it's a friend, a mentor, or a wise Christian counsellor, God uses others to speak truth into our lives and help us see things from a different perspective.
God's Spirit gently nudges us from within, and He points us toward our purpose. When I'm lost and confused, if I can just try to be quiet long enough to listen for God's voice, I know I can trust Him to guide me, one step at a time.
Why is this so hard?
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) tells us to: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
We can trust God completely, even when we're unsure about what's happening or where we're headed. When I let go of trying to figure things out on my own and recognise that God knows best, He promises to be with me.
But it’s our choice, our responsibility, to take His hand and let Him lead the way.
Melinda is a writer who shares her life experiences with God on her blog, She also has a self-published book. Melinda attends Gateway Baptist Church with her husband Drewe and two daughters.