
by Larissa Westhuyzen

“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.” - Matthew 6:7

“Abide in me, and I in you...” – John 15:4

"'These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” – Matthew 15:8

“In Jesus Christ, we are given a friend who will always enjoy rather than refuse our presence.” – Dane Ortlun

Before having kids, I had some wonderfully intimate times with Jesus, worship music drowning out all other distractions, journal open, and having abundant time to sit, study, reflect and pray.  Since then, those “quiet times” have become near impossible.  To be honest, I have grieved the loss of opportunity for those extended responsibility-free times of worship with my Lord. 

My human nature thinks that if I spend lengthy periods of time in solitary prayer and bible reading, then and only then, can my relationship with Him grow richer.  However, I have been learning more and more that it is the posture of my heart that is of most importance when engaging with God, regardless of the time spent.  He is more pleased with my wholehearted prayer for help, sent like an arrow in the middle of a difficult conversation, than He is with my dedicated half hour of prayer time, where if I’m honest, I am more distracted by my “to do” list than engaging Him with my heart. My cry for help truly reaches out to Jesus and trusts His power to provide in that moment.  I reach out to Him as my friend who has the power to help.  In contrast, I can remember many times where I have spent a solid half an hour hurriedly listing off the requests for my loved ones I dutifully promised I would that week, yet a frank assessment would reveal that my heart was far from Him.  Perhaps if I am honest, during those times I was vaguely trusting in a far-off distant power that may or may not intervene and had little resemblance to the compassionate, kind Jesus of the bible. Too often in my dedicated prayer time I fail to engage Him like a friend.

Similarly, when I read His word, I am learning to be more concerned with genuinely listening out for His voice than checking off the allotted section for that day.  Sometimes, that means I only get as far as a verse or a paragraph, but my heart has engaged with Him and is transformed by that encounter.  That’s more than I can say for some of those times of faithfully reading the designated section to its entirety.

So, in this season, I am learning to engage with Him wholeheartedly, briefly at times, but frequently.  To truly think of Him when I am engaging, perhaps even picture Jesus’ next to me as He listens to my prayers.  When you pray, do you pray to your friend, your beloved like He is listening?  Like He cares? 

To him who overcomes I will give…him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives it.” Revelation 2:17. This is one of the promises of Jesus that I cherish.  He will give me a name in heaven that is so intimate that it is only between Him and I.  No-one else even knows the secret name bestowed on me with tender love.  It is neither uttered nor heard by another. 

Do you share secrets with Him and only Him?  Isn’t that what friends and lovers do?  Isn’t that part of what grows trust and intimacy?  You can trust Him with your secrets because He is gentle and full of grace and truth.  And He longs for you to reserve parts of your heart for Him that are only His. 

It is clear in scripture that Jesus truly wants us to walk with Him, to trust Him as the faithful friend that He is.  Let’s take that seriously.  For there is only abundant gain to be had.  We will not regret the investment when we finally stand before our Saviour face to face with a lifetime of deepened trust and friendship that has prepared us for that very moment. 


Larissa Westhuyzen works part time as an Occupational Therapist in chronic pain management, and is the wife of Pastor Mike Westhuyzen of Enoggera Baptist Church. She has a passion for painting, worship and deep discipleship, and loves to spend her free time in the garden. She lives in Warner and is mum to two little girls - Lucy and Violet.


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