Love in the time of Coronavirus

By Cathy Ballantine

I recently watched the movie “Serendipity” again. It’s a sweet romance about two people who left the future of their relationship to chance. Part of the movie revolves around a romance novel by Colombian Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez called “Love in the time of Cholera”. I admit I haven’t read the book, but I’m borrowing the title for today.

The Covoid19 pandemic has a lot of people anxious, afraid, isolated and disconnected from their family, friends and society. Our tv, radio and social media doesn’t help with the fears. While it is good to be informed and prepared, it is also detrimental to dwell on the bad news. Absolutely, follow the rules set in place by our government, but let’s find some love, joy and good news from our circumstances.

There is a Kindness Pandemic happening! I love seeing stories on Facebook about the community rallying around to brighten the day of their neighbours. Footpaths are being coloured in by children, houses are putting bears in windows for a “bear hunt” when families are out walking, people are paying for other people’s groceries, people are driving by with balloons and signs to wish people happy birthday, giving away toilet paper to people in need, sewing scrubs, caps and masks for our health care workers, adopting health care workers and caring for their basic needs. There’s a massive amount of goodwill out there and you don’t have to go far to find it! 

To be honest, I’m a bit jealous. I live on acreage and our neighbours can’t be seen. I’m a bit sad I don’t get to be part of the Kindness Pandemic that is happening in the local communities. I was even at the supermarket looking to see if I could step in and be kind to someone. The best I could do was encourage the check out operator.

Of course, I can still call and message people, encourage and pray for them. There are many ways to be kind and loving virtually. I’m blessed that I have a house full of people, cats, dog, chooks and a duck to keep me sane.

If you are in need of some kindness and love, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will find someone near you to “adopt” you. Go to our Facebook Page or email email/admin)( and reach out. In your post, include your suburb/postcode and let us know what you need – a phone call, someone to check in on you, some grocery items, someone to do your shopping, whatever it is that will help you through this time.

I’m not just talking to the people who are alone physically, there are many people who are struggling within their marriage and family as well. If you are not safe or need a friend, then please get in touch. You do not have to be in a place where you (and your children) are in danger. You do not have to be alone.

We’d love to hear your good news stories on our Facebook page. Has someone blessed you (not just when you sneeze)? Let’s spread the Kindness Pandemic so that it kills the Covoid19 pandemic and brings about a renewed community spirit where the effects will last much longer than the coronavirus.


 Cathy Ballantine (aka CathyBee) is a member of the Qld Baptist Women Executive. She is excited to work on the QBW values of Network, Nurture and Equip and connect with the Baptist Women of Qld. 


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